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Mercators Projection, Antarctica 2007
Giant Tabular Iceberg in Fog, Antarctica 2007
Blue Monday, Antarctica 2007
Tabulars in Hope Bay, Antarctica 2007
Icebergs Generating Fog, Antarctic Sound 2007
Tabulars Generating Fog, Antarctic Sound 2007
Sloped, Antarctic Sound 2007
Melting Iceberg, Antarctica 2007 (diptych)
Iceberg Remains, Antarctica 2007
Weddell Sea Entrance, Antarctica 2007
Grounded Ship, Cape San Pablo, Argentina 2007
Perimiter, Eduardo Frei Base, Antarctica 2008
Five Icebergs, Weddell Sea, Antarctica 2007
Adeli Penguins on Fast Ice
Iceberg #01, Greenland 2007
Iceberg #05, Greenland 2007
Iceberg #06, Greenland 2007
Iceberg #02, Greenland 2007
Iceberg #04, Greenland 2007
Emperor Penguins & Iceberg, Antartica 2008
Blue Ice #01, Snow Hill Island, Antarctica 2008
Blue Ice #02, Snow Hill Island, Antarctica 2008
Iceberg Near Deception Island, Antartica 2008
Grounded Iceberg, Snow Hill Island, Antarctica 2008
Iceberg Near Browns Bluff, Antartica 2008
Gilkey Glacier #1, Alaska 2008
Gilkey Glacier #2, Alaska 2008
Gilkey Glacier #3, Alaska 2008
Pack Ice, Weddell Sea, Antartica 2007
Lone Boulder, Japan 2005
Tokoname, Japan 2006
Apart, Normandy, France 2005
Boulder in Tidepool, Canon Beach 2002
Ladder, Normandy, France 2004
32 Piles, Tacoma 2004
Bridge Cassion, France 2005
Calm Morning, Victoria, Canada 2004
Cat Tracks, Berck, France 2005
Concrete, Astoria, Oregon 2003
Dark Water, Point Roberts, WA 2004
Eight Piles, Columbia River, WA 2003
Floating Cubes, Japan 2005
Four Boulders, Japan 2005
Intersection, Japan 2005
Left Pallets, Astoria 2005
Steps to the Water, Arromanche 2004
Boiler Room, Astoria, Oregon 2003
Oyster Beds, France 2005
Passing Rain, Washington 2004
Burning Sky, Japan 2005
Point Roberts 5am, 2002
Point Roberts Study 2, 2004
700' Ceiling, France 2004
Beach Pool, Normandy, France 2004
Raie Blanche, France 2004
Shear, Japan 2005
Sous la Reparation, Normandy, France 2004
South Beach, 2005
St Malo Jetty, France 2004
Three Poles, Richmond, Canada 2002
Two Stacks, Oregon 2002
Vacant (Part A&B), Japan 2005
Vanish, Port Townsend, Washington 2004
White Landscape, Noto, Japan 2005
Bowling Ball Beach, California 2003
Windy Beach, Normandy France 2004
Pontoon No 4, France 2005
Bamboo Hatches Tokanome, Japan 200